Agenzia investimenti immobiliari | Chianti

Foreign buyers are making waves in the Tuscan real estate scene, ready to splash out an average of over 500,000 euros. Hailing mainly from the United States and Germany, they’re dreaming of homes, and if there’s a garden, even better!

Lucca province is their prime pick, accounting for the lion’s share of requests, with Pisa, Massa-Carrara, and Siena following suit. This captivating real estate portrait comes courtesy of Gate-away. Americans lead the charge, snapping up 29% of the real estate pie, followed by Germany at 14%, and the UK at 7.6%. Even Canada is joining the party, showing a 5.2% increase in interest. While apartments still hold the crown with 23.7% of the demand, villas are gaining ground at 12.7%.

A pool, garden, or some land to call their own isn’t a deal-breaker, but gardens take the gold with a whopping 69% preference rate. In the first four months of 2023, investments are hot in the sub-100,000 euro range, representing 33.9% of total requests. The 100-250,000 euro bracket is next in line at 23.5%, followed by 250-500,000 euros (18.3%), 500,000-1 million euros (14.6%), and over 1 million euros (9.5%). The average property sought? A cool 516,865 euros.

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