
An ambitious architectural project is beginning to take shape in the heart of Milan: the creation of the new A2A Tower. In the coming months, or perhaps as early as the upcoming autumn season, construction will commence on this grand structure, set to redefine the appearance of Porta Romana as it rises impressively over 28 floors, reaching a height of 145 meters.

The task of shaping the tower has been entrusted to the architecture firm led by Antonio Citterio and Patricia Viel. The design will be a symphony of modernity and elegance: an oval-shaped base, enveloped in glass walls, will embrace a total surface area of 37,000 square meters, including the base spaces. The building will undoubtedly be one of the tallest in the city, and its structure will house a variety of functions. The initial twelve floors, for instance, will transform into office spaces, creating a stimulating and innovative work environment. However, at a height of around 60 meters, around the twentieth floor, a genuine suspended garden will emerge, offering an atmosphere of tranquility and nature that blends with the surrounding urban energy.

This green paradise will be accessible from one of its sides, opening its doors to contemplation and recreation. As one ascends towards the sky, an additional eight floors of office spaces will stand, crowned by a striking “belvedere” that will offer breathtaking views of the city to the citizens of Milan and visitors alike. In numerical terms, it is estimated that the tower could accommodate a working community of approximately 1,500 individuals, all integral parts of the company. Yet, the impact of the A2A Tower goes beyond its work-related function. This architectural gem will transform the surrounding urban landscape, a vertical revolution that will shed new light on the entire neighborhood. Surrounded by an ambiance of water and framed by green spaces, the glass structure will enchant onlookers and give rise to a new landscape identity. The inauguration of this magnificent creation appears to be planned in conjunction with the anticipated event of the 2026 Winter Olympic Games.

Despite financial details not yet being disclosed, former A2A CEO Luca Valerio Camerano had suggested in June 2019 that the project would find its financial backing, also offering value-added opportunities for shareholders. An important aspect of the new tower’s construction process involves the rationalization of the energy company’s real estate properties. Seven buildings in Milan, including the current headquarters at Porta Vittoria, will be divested, allowing for the concentration of the 1,500 employees within the spectacular new headquarters. The existing locations will remain intact for those directly involved in essential operations, such as Amsa and the immediate intervention of Unareti.

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